Rachael EyreHead of Regulatory Services (data protection specialist)

Rachael is a qualified (non-practising) solicitor who moved into law firm and financial services risk, quality and compliance eight years ago. It is here that she found her niche.

During those years, Rachael has steered her employers and clients through many changes in the regulatory environment including the biggest change in data protection in 20 years, the biggest change in anti-money laundering in 10 years, two SRA Handbook / Code of Conduct overhauls, and the FSA becoming the FCA along with taking over the regulation of consumer credit. 

Rachael has implemented and advised on policies, procedures and processes alongside carrying out training to suit a variety of law firms, financial firms and other types of businesses. 

Rachael believes that compliance with regulatory requirements needs to be practical, tailored to the individual business and understood by the management and employees. Only then can a firm achieve what the regulations are aimed at, protecting individuals. 

Rachael is also a qualified Data Protection Practitioner. 

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